Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rainy Day

I therefore am run.

Wasn't going to because of the weather. . .and the little aches and pains. I started to rationalize. Huge core work at home, just lay low. Then I had some coffee. I wonder how many great things get done with the help of coffee. I guess I should say caffeine. I've actually given up coffee. I have a double or triple espresso most mornings depending on the day. But until I get my new machine in a few weeks (for my B-day), I've just sorted through my loose change to hit a coffee shop on my way to "work." Today, laying low, not going-out to get the juice, I decided to make some very strong coffee at home. It was OK. But it did get my ass to the gym.

Did ~50 minutes. Put together a little hill work-out. 5 x 3min hills with ez 5 min recovery. The hills were at 4-6% grade, the pace between 9 and 8 min mile. Certainly makes the treadmill more bearable. The hills, "at the top," were nice and steady.

On the "aches and pains," sometimes I feel a hint of that shin splint I had a few months ago. And my hammies, ass (piriformis), and ITB have been tight. So after the run, did some stretching. GZ had a nice link to a Pete Magill stretching video. Good reminder.

Ran some errands after that, and here I am. Football and movies with my 5 year-old. With mom out of town, the boys are just getting things done.


  1. Magill = cheesey = brilliant.

  2. I actually had the video on mute for most of it, so all I had was some familiarization with his little zaniness, and the body language of said video. Kinda looked like a porno. Ha.

