7 miles very ez. Not feeling 100%. But it felt good to put one foot in front of the other.
I will get my Garmin dialed in for this weekend and actually transport both the High Gear and the Garmin. Compare notes. The High Gear, though I thought might have a bad sensor, has spit-out some accurate numbers as of late. When I was in the back country here in SD, the elevation was reading ~4500ft where we ran (which is accurate) and the accumulated read 1600+ft. A friend of mine said, nahhh. His Garmin I think read 900 something, but he later confirmed my data was correct. Good news! And sure there was a lot of descent that day, but we did some nice rolling sections with killer, runnable climbs.
Back to finish my thought on not feeling 100%, I think I'll do some hiking this weekend. Work-on some steady climbing and lovely descending which means basically falling down the mountain. I love descending so long as it's not too steep for too long.
There was a Rick sighting. Very nice to see.
As for my last line, "I hate wealth," it's a disease that Americans especially have. I will continue to define it. Sure it's close to greed, but is more insidious. Aggregating some useful content will do a fine job of paining this picture of which I speak. Everything from numerous credible articles, to videos, graphs, images and my own priceless commentary that I hope only sharpens its Wolverine claw-like apparatus with which I hope to completely annihilate each and every one of the scum bags who feed and nurture their pet snake (the name is wealth), who come into contact. . . with me.
And sure you have to start at the top, which makes my "mission" practically impossible and much more of a rant. I want this mission to be much more than that. It has to have sophistication or I have failed.
A note on the top: Every republican (rich person) I know really can't say a damn thing about the President because the guy just cut a deal to continue cutting taxes for them (the rich). Perhaps he's seeing if the right has a better solution to this economic crisis, or he's doing something strategic for his own agenda. Who the F knows.
The only reason I'm writing about this is that, again, I am on a mission to revive the middle class. It's in the works.
Other missions:
1) run, my friend
2) travel to Europe and attend a top-notch friendly with Rick
3) go to Colorado in the summer and run for beer with friends
4) start a business that's human and environment-friendly
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