Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Race is a bitch

"When Meb Keflezighi finished the New York City Marathon in two hours, nine minutes and 15 seconds the morning after Halloween, he became the first American to win the race in 27 years. But some spectators apparently missed the three red letters on his chest as he burst through the tape. Keflezighi is only 'technically American,' argued CNBC sports writer Darren Rovell. He's 'like a ringer who you hire to work a couple hours at your office so that you can win the executive softball league.' Though Mr. Rovell has since backtracked, nobody recalls similar comments about Alberto Salazar, the Cuban-born American who won in 1982. And if Meb's name was Joe Smith and he was born in England rather than Eritrea, few would have questioned his national identity."

Full article

This is exactly what I was talking about when this topic made its round of the blogosphere recently. This "negative" reaction, despite all spin and complication wrought by more "thoughtful explanation," is about race first (skin color) and ethnicity second (his name, country of origin). The second criterion doesn't come into play with out the first being introduced. If he was white born and raised in Kenya, but now a U.S. citizen, not nearly as big a problem. And as the writer points-out, if his name was Joe Smith, from England, fewer would have blinked. So let's be clear, skin color is what prompts the initial unconscious and later conscious reactions.

Solid Monday of 30 min. core/weights and little 40 minute run with all kinds of pace. Felt great. I told my wife how effective a 15 min. core work-out can be. No excuses!

Well, back to the (human) (rat) race!

Today's program: file for unemployment (first time in my life), make the best salad dressing in the world, pound salad, and sweat like a man!

Have a great day!

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