Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday - 8 miles

Avg. HR 142. I didn't think I would run today, but it found me. Everything was easy and I took it easy, but I felt very good, so signs point to another big week mileage-wise. I want to make sure I keep the HR low most of the time. The trails will get it up but I still need to keep things in check. August looks like a 50k either in SLO or Malibu. Still that's a long way off, so anything can happen, but this just means that I keep most of my training in steady state. Again, training on trails takes care of some of the high HR zones, so things aren't completely compartmentalized. In the end it's all about fat oxidation guy who can go nuts every once in a while, who will be born and raised in the TRAIL MIX.


  1. Any thought to two a days to hit your mileage goals? I find it is a sneaky way to keep uppin' the mileage without killin' myself and it helps me hide the training a bit more.

    Keep on livin' it.


  2. GZ -
    you haven't been reading!!!
    That's what I've been trying to do.
    Did it a couple of times last week, but that is THE KEY. Lucho's talked about it a lot.

    In fact I told my wife, who I'm MAFing, imagine if you did 3 in the a.m. 3 at noon and 3 in the p.m. You'd hardly break a sweat and your system would be kickin' ass! It's like the small meals all day theory. We're taught to gorge.

    I hear ya, man!

  3. Guilty as charged. I am behind on blogs cuz of our move.

    Your 3-3-3 program reminds me of a program we kicked around in HS ... specifically to get 750 miles in a summer.

    FWIW ... easiest way to get a 100 week is 7 in the AM, 7 in the PM everyday and 16 on Sunday.

  4. Nice, gz. I love the suggestions since compiling is sorta my game right now.
