Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday - 4 miles

Just did a little 30 min at about 8:00 pace with 5 1 min accelerations. The best thing about all of this was that my avg. HR was 139, below MAF. This would've been a good weekend for another Aet test. I might really like the results. Hopefully, I'll like the results of this 21k trail run. Everything's pretty much a go even though the race, in a way, has already started. I'm racing my son's newly acquired cold. Did a few errands today, one of which was a stop at my sister's where her 3 kids, of course, have colds. Sat on her porch in the 80-90 degree heat to avoid the incubator. Swung by the running store for some boob greese (BodyGlide) and then hit the run where those little germs, I'm afraid, got left behind. Now, just get through this evening and hit the freakin' road to the freakin' trail! The best part of all of this? Despite the fact that I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS RACE, I almost can't wait to get back to training even more.

Giving thanks. . . .

1 comment:

  1. Awesome man!!! Good luck tomorrow! I'll see ya out there.
